I’m Not Making Money
And that’s ok. For now.
The day is 23rd of March. I’m sitting in a Pret coffee, somewhere in London. Spending money I don’t have on food I don’t like that much, just to get an excuse to be around people rather than alone at home. And here I am, writing on a piece of paper all those thoughts that spin in my head.
Sat at a table, with a full meal, at 3 pm because that’s a perfectly normal time to have a lunch, with my headphones on, I’m currently truing to focus and cut myself from my surroundings. Yes I know, paradoxical, wouldn’t you agree? I’m here for company yet I’m isolating.
At the beginning of the month, I pledged to myself that I would get myself out of the mud, and in a way, I’m doing it. Focusing only on work, multiplying new freelancing projects, personal projects, and writing as often as I can. I’m only getting out of the house for walks, sport, and sometimes a coffee at a local shop. Never in my life have I been so focused and doing so much. I feel like I’m working even more than when I was employed.
Yet, for nothing. I haven’t earn a dime this month. Nothing, nada, zilch. Maybe I’ve taken things in the wrong way. Something I’m doing might be wrong. Perhaps I’ve taken the abundance mindset in a too literal way, as I’m behaving like I still have money and think I can help everyone around me while I struggle helping myself correctly. I wish this could be an article “How I made 1000£ in my first month” but this is not. More like “How I tried and failed at making money”. That would make a great title but it’s not really what this article is about. And to add to all of this, the coffee is not even good.
But am I giving up? No. And I’m not talking about the coffee. Of course, I’m not giving up. I’m taking time to reflect each week. Ponder what’s been good and wrong. And I try to modify accordingly, or try new strategies. What I need to find out though, is how long should I keep trying one thing before considering to move to another? At the moment, I’m building on top each time and adding new ideas. I can do this because I still have the time and bandwidth. But if I keep on adding, I’ll reach a hard stop. I won’t be able to add more without removing some. At which point will repeating one action without results make me a mad man? When is it time to start completely anew? I don’t know. Only trial and error will tell.
And once something works, I’ll share it here. And also what didn’t. My journey is my own and probably won’t be the same for anyone else, but maybe sharing that experience will help someone else get started faster. No point in keeping things for myself.
Anyway, people are queuing in the coffee shop and start looking for a table, so I’ll finish that coffee, go for a digestive walk then copy this on medium. And repeat again tomorrow.