One Boring Story

Just a writing exercise that I liked and decided to publish

Quentin Musy
2 min readMay 10, 2024


Photo by Joshua Fuller on Unsplash

That day, the sky turned purple. It was a Sunday. Like any other Sundays. Boring. Uneventful. The sun was shining brightly and the birds were singing loudly. Until all of a sudden, one patch of the sky, from blue, became purple. Then a second patch. And another. And another. Quicker, and quicker. Until soon, the whole sky was purple.

Experts from the world looked at this phenomenon, but no one could explain what happened. For weeks, the only change was this, a purple sky. The air was still the same. The sun was still yellow and shining. The clouds and the rain were still the same. The night was still dark. The stars were still visible and the moon was still revolving around the earth. No other change. No explanation. Until one day, a tree started talking.

“Good day to you, Sir”, it said, to a man walking by.
“Good day to you too, Tree”, the man replied, continuing his walk.

The man was absolutely unsurprised, like he’s seen that everyday. Apart from its talking, the tree remained a tree. All things almost in their place. The man forgot about this interaction. No one else ever knew about the talking tree.

In another part of the world, a cow started to fly. It was a middle aged cow. In a big…



Quentin Musy

Full Stack Engineer | Writer | Musician | Knowledge is meant to be shared, not kept. That's why I write.